Simple and Easy Moving Checklist

Simple Moving Checklist discussed by Smartmove North East

Moving home is an extremely busy and stressful time, you might have never moved before and are a first time buyer or you might have moved several times before and your life is very busy. Whatever your situation it’s always good to create your own Simple Moving Checklist which will ensure you know everything you need to do and when, and you won’t miss anything through your selling, buying and moving process.

When you have a Moving Checklist it helps you feel in control knowing what needs to be done and when, and it enables you to get on with your everyday life during the process with minimal stress.

Moving Checklist When Putting Your Home on the Market

Moving is an expensive thing to do and there are lots of costs that you should factor in to check you can afford to move to before you take the first step.

You should know how much equity you have in your home before you put your house on the market so start by looking at similar properties which have sold in your road and area to understand how much your home might sell for. When you have done this, contact your mortgage company and check how much they would be willing to lend you, if you are able to change your mortgage and if there are any charges involved .

Next, you can look at homes for sale in the area online and check if there is anything that matches what you are looking for within your budget.

Make a list of must-have’s for your new home that don’t want to compromise on and the things that are your would like’s that you are willing to compromise on. Keep referring back to your list when you are looking at properties as it’s really easy to get fall in love with a newly renovated or beautifully decorated property which doesn’t actually tick all of your needs and wants.

When you know there are properties you would like to potentially buy within and area and within your budget you should create yourself a moving budget which includes all of the costs associated with moving:

  • Estate Agent Fees
  • Conveyancing/Legal Fees
  • Mortgage Fees
  • EPC Costs
  • Stamp Duty
  • Removal Costs

This allows you to understand how much you can spend on your new home after these costs have been accounted for and will be the financial reality of moving home.


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How to Add Value to your Home before Moving

How to Add Value to your Home before Moving discussed by Smartmove North East

There are some really simple and reasonably quick ways to Add Value to your Home before you put it on the market which will also make it more appealing to potential buyers. The first thing to do is walk around your home and make a list of things you need to do as you go, these can include;


A home will always be much more appealing and feel a lot bigger to potential buyers if the rooms are clean and uncluttered. Declutter by room and take anything you don’t need to the charity shop or try selling it on free local facebook pages or using free selling sites. If you have big items you want to get rid of then advertise them on these sites as well and if they don’t go then advertise them as ‘free to collector’ and this takes away the job of moving them yourself as well as having a vehicle big enough to move them.

Declutter and tidy your loft and garage and this will also save you a lot of time when you move as you will only be taking the belongings that you still need and use.

This is the first step to add value to your home.

Refreshing Paintwork

If you need to refresh any walls, ceilings, skirtings and sills then give them a lick of paint. Using neutral colours and tones will make a room look bigger, be more appealing and feel like more of a blank canvass for potential buyers. If the walls don’t need painting then wipe away any marks with a Magic Eraser Sponge, these are brilliant and wipe away dirt and marks without removing the paint. This will add value to your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers as well as increasing its value as it will look clean and fresh when estate agents come round to value it.

Storage Solutions

Look at the room and decide if you need any storage solutions to ensure your belongings including; toys, paperwork, shoes, clothes aren’t on display when people are viewing your home as this will put them off. You can look for storage on the free selling sites and if you don’t find anything suitable then look in your local DIY shops to see if they have anything suitable. Remember, don’t go over the top with storage as again it can make a room look smaller, cluttered and less appealing.


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Top Tips for Moving House

Top Tips for Moving House discussed by Smart Move North East

At Smartmove we understand that moving house can be stressful and take up a huge amount of time whilst you are trying to juggle your everyday life. Read our Top Tips for Moving House for handy hints and tips which will make your life easier and give you the time to enjoy your move.

1) Research and Book your Removal Company Early

Look for professional, reputable and reliable removal companies and invite them round as early as you can to give you quotes for the different services they offer. Using a reputable and larger removal company will ensure your moving day goes smoothly as they will have the expertise and resources needed for any changing circumstances, compared to a smaller company who if they have problems on the day with sickness or their vehicle breaks down you could be let down. Good removal companies will offer the following services which will all vary in cost:

  • Loading you packed boxes from your old home and unloading them into your new home on your move day
  • Packing your home up the day before your move, loading your belongings and unloading them on the day of your move
  • Packing your home up the day before the move, dismantling larger items such as; beds, tables, wardrobes etc and loading and unloading your belongings on your move day
  • Packing your home up the day before the move, dismantling larger items such as beds, tables, wardrobes etc and loading and unloading your belongings into your new home on your move day. Re-assembling your larger items so you are ready to unpack your belongings without the worry of having to do the DIY before you unpack

When you have chosen which Removal Company you want to use then you can give them your estimated removal date and reconfirm it with them when you have exchanged and you have a moving date confirmed. If things start to move and are then delayed which can happen a lot then a good and larger removal company will have the resources to accommodate this so just keep in touch with them and let them know as things change or progress.


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Spruce up your Home in Newcastle

How to Spruce up your Home in Newcastle to Sell

Discussed by Smart Move North East Removals – Spring is coming and whether you are looking to sell or you want to Spruce up your Home in Newcastle to stay in then our top tips will help.

When the nicer weather and the lighter evenings start it can highlight areas in your home that need a good clean, tidy or lick of paint and in general we all feel a bit more motivated to get those jobs done. If you are thinking of selling your home then sprucing it up before you get it valued is always a good idea to ensure you get the best price, or if you are staying in your home then a spruce up will make you fall in love with it all over again.

Most house buyers will want to view a property and be more likely to make an offer on it if it is clutter-free, clean and fresh so checking your home room by room is the best way to start and will make it feel less daunting. Spring is the time when the highest number of homes are sold in the UK so don’t miss the opportunity and start your spruce up now.

Newcastle and the surrounding areas is now a prime location for people wanting to move to or in the North East so if you do it right your house won’t be on the market for long.

So, start with the inside of your home and when you’ve finished the inside you can then start to look at what needs doing outside as the weather gets warmer.

Make yourself a plan of which room you will declutter and give a deep clean and when. It’s great to make a list as crossing a room off your list is so satisfying. When you are clearing and decluttering a room ask yourself these 3 questions:

  • When did I last use this item?
  • What purpose does it have for me or my home?
  • Can I sell it or does it need to be taken to a charity shop or the tip?


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